An ASAM Dimensions Approach  


When assessing substance use and co-occurring disorders in clinical populations, it is essential that clinicians have a guide to determine the appropriate level of care needed. Linkage to the appropriate level of care improves client outcomes and can, in many cases, save lives, particularly when the substance use present is high-risk or comorbid with medical and/or severe psychiatric conditions.

To support effective assessment and linkage to appropriate services, the American Society of Addiction Medicine has created the ASAM Criteria, a comprehensive guide to level of care assessment that covers six key clinical dimensions of concern. This training will focus on review of those six dimensions and the four levels of care that may be indicated, with particular focus on determining when the residential level of care is needed.

Educational Goal
By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to understand the ASAM Criteria and integrate its use into clinical practice when working with individual with substance use and co-occurring disorders

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