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Getting Help

Getting Help

Thinking of Running Away From Home? Here’s What You Can Do Instead

You hate your life. You’re thinking of running away. Is it a Good Idea to Run Away From Home? First, we’re first going to be a little honest here. It may be really, really difficult to run away from home for good. While the idea sounds great in theory, reality may be wildly different than what you’re imagining. For one thing, living on the streets is tough. Single adolescents or

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Getting Help

‘Why Do I hate My Life’: Actions & Tips to Overcome Unhappiness In Life

Do you ever want to scream ‘I hate my life?’’ Maybe you hate school, hate your parents, hate yourself, or all three. You wonder whether life will ever get any better, or if it will always be this terrible. By asking yourself ‘Why do I hate my life,’ you’re taking a very important first step to healing, but there’s some good news and bad news. Good news first: Life will

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Medication Side Effects
Getting Help

Medication Side Effects: I Don’t Like the Way My Medication Makes Me Feel

If you’ve been diagnosed with a mental health or behavioral issue, you might be on medication. Adhering to your medication regimen daily is an achievement. You know that medication will help you feel better, so you’re doing your job in the recovery process. However, many medications come with side effects. Whether you’re on antidepressants, anti-anxiety, ADHD, or other medication, you might be experiencing one or more unpleasant symptoms. For example,

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red telephone to represent 988 hotline

New National Suicide and Mental Health Emergency Hotline: Call 988

Suicide Hotline, Mental Health Emergencies, Substance Use Emergencies Before the coronavirus pandemic swept across the country in early 2020 and created a mental health crisis for children and adolescents that prompted the Surgeon General of the United States to publish an advisory in early 2021 called Protecting Youth Mental Health, there was already a mental health crisis brewing. The crisis: suicide. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published a series

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Can I Legally Run Away?

You hate your life and your parents. Things are bad at home – and you want to run away. You imagine a clean slate. An escape. A fresh start. Maybe you think running away will make everything better. Maybe you believe that leaving everything behind will make your problems disappear. But you’re not sure how to do it. And you wonder about the logistics. You also wonder if running away

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Mental Health Awareness Month 2021: Tools 2 Thrive Phase Two

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. At the beginning of 2020, no one could have predicted where we are now, almost halfway through 2021. We faced the worst public health emergency in a hundred years: the coronavirus pandemic. Physical health and wellbeing were our first priority all year, which was critical for getting the pandemic under control. Citizens around the country made enormous sacrifices and did their best to mitigate

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Children of Alcoholics Awareness Week 2021

Each year during the week of Valentine’s Day, alcoholism awareness advocates around the U.S. and the world observe National Children of Alcoholics Week (COA Awareness Week) to draw attention to the challenges children of alcoholic parents face every day. In response to the growing epidemic of addiction in the U.S., COA Awareness week now includes all children of addiction – not just children of alcoholics. The information in this article

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Getting Help

I Hear Voices and I’m Embarrassed – What Do I Do?

If you hear voices, or you think you hear voices, you might be ashamed. Psychosis – particularly the prodromal symptom known as hallucination – is often connected to schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, severe depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or another mental health or substance abuse disorder. But we’ve got news for you. If you’re hallucinating, you don’t have to feel embarrassed. Unfortunately, a stigma exists against people who hear voices. Some teens

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Family & Home Life

Five Steps to Achieve and Maintain Mental Wellness

Now that we’re well into 2022, we won’t mention why we want it to be an amazing year, or why we – at the very least – want it to be better than 2020 and 2021.  Suffice it to say we can all agree on looking forward to the new year. One thing we can all focus on this year is our mental wellness. Mental wellness – which includes emotional

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Getting Help

What is Drug Rehab? Myths and Misconceptions

Drug Rehab: First Encounter Taptaptap. Taptaptap. I roll over in the dark and bury my head in the pillow. The noise sounds like it’s coming from my bedroom door. Probably my mom, trying to wake me up for school. At sixteen years old, I have the set-up all my friends want: a basement bedroom with its own entrance, separate from the rest of the house, down at the bottom of

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