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Family & Home Life

Why Do Teens Run Away?

They Feel They Have No Other Choice Every teen is different. Every family is different. Therefore, when family dynamics break down, and a teen decides to run away, each leaves for their own reasons, in response to specific circumstances unique to their personality and their family situation. However, with an understanding of the varying forces that compel teens to run away, the Missing Children’s Network identifies three primary reasons teenagers

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Common Household Products Teens Use to Get High

Teens who experiment with illegal drugs or use prescription drugs recreationally can develop a substance use disorder, or what most people call an addiction. Teens can become addicted to heroin, opioid pain relievers, benzodiazepines, marijuana, hallucinogens, and many other drugs. When addiction escalates, teens can become resourceful, creative – and irresponsible – in their quest to get high. They can empty their savings account to purchase street drugs. They may

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My Friend Told Me They Want to Die. What Should I Do?

You’re a teen, and you’re having a late-night DMC with your friend. In the midst of the conversation, he or she admits they’ve thought about dying. It may have come out as a casual confession or a tearful admission. Whatever it is and however it came out, it’s clear to you they’re thinking about suicide. When a friend admits they want to die, it may be a nerve-wracking situation for

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Family & Home Life

Adoption Awareness Month: The Effect of Early Trauma on Adopted Adolescents

Our first post for Adoption Awareness Month discussed the seven major issues common to all adopted children. Let’s recap those before diving into the specific effects early trauma has on the physiological, social, and emotional development of children. The seven core issues of adoption are: loss, rejection, guilt/shame, grief, identity, intimacy, and control/mastery. While every adoption story is different, one thing to remember is that there is no adoption without

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Hobbies for Teens - Nature

Top 50 Hobbies for Teens (That Aren’t Sports, Computers, or Gaming)

Data from the American Time Use Survey conducted by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics shows that most teenagers have about five hours of spare time on any given weekday. That’s after school, homework, and eating. The best way to fill that time? A hobby, of course. But what if you aren’t interested in typical hobbies like sports or computers? Don’t worry. There’s a whole world of things to do

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The Benefits of Sports for Teens

Eight million teens played sports in high school last year, based on a survey by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS). That was a record-breaking high. In fact, the number of high school athletes has been increasing for the last three decades. With so many adolescents playing sports, it’s worthwhile to talk about the various benefits athletics bestows upon teens. Here’s a list of why getting involved

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I Caught My Teen Sexting. Now What?

You might have gotten the call from another parent, who was appalled. Or the school administrator. Or maybe you found out about it yourself. Inadvertently saw some of the photos on your teen’s phone. Read some of the racy texts. How you discovered it doesn’t matter. Ultimately, you caught your teen sexting. Help! My Teen is Sexting. Sexting involves the exchange of sexually explicit content, such as messages or photographs,

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Parents: What’s Your Legal Liability for Your Minor Children? Alcohol, Drugs, and the Law

As a parent, there’s a long list of things to worry about when you think your teenager may be experimenting with alcohol and drugs. You want to get them all the help you can, of course. You want them to be happy, well-adjusted, and free of complicating addictions and other psychological issues that may affect their well-being. You’re concerned for their health, their school performance, their social life, and their

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My Teen Lies A Lot: Is it Pathological, Compulsive, or Typical Teen Behavior?

It seems like you’re always catching your teen in a fib. Whether it’s the lie they tell when you ask them what happened after school, or the fake excuses they make to explain why they didn’t do something, you might wonder whether this kind of lying is common in teens, or the sign of an emotional or psychological problem. One simple difference between common lying and pathological lying is the

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Best Mindfulness and Meditation Apps for Teens

You hear all about mindfulness these days. In case you missed the basics, staying mindful means slowing down and paying close attention to this present moment, without judgment. Deep breathing, meditation, walking, and yoga are all mindfulness practices that promote positive wellbeing and mental health. While especially beneficial to those struggling with mental health and addiction issues, the benefits of mindfulness apply to all. The coronavirus pandemic means teens need

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