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Inclusion Specialist

What is an Inclusion Specialist: Duties, Roles & Job Descriptions

In the realm of equitable education, fostering inclusivity stands as a fundamental principle. At the heart of this effort lies the indispensable role of inclusion specialists. But who exactly are these professionals, and what is an inclusion specialist? This comprehensive guide aims to unravel the essence of an inclusion specialist—examining their definition, responsibilities, and significance. We will explore how these experts champion diverse learners, collaborate with teachers and parents, and

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Benefits of Personalized Accommodations

Understanding 504 Plans: Benefits of Personalized Accommodations

A 504 plan serves as a comprehensive blueprint, outlining how schools provide support to students with disabilities, removing obstacles that hinder learning. Here we’ll delve more deeply into what is a 504 plan, the significance of these plans, their purpose in ensuring equal access for students, and the strategies employed to eliminate barriers to education. What is a 504 Plan A 504 plan is a customized accommodation plan designed to

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Individual Education Program

Understanding Individual Education Programs (IEPs) and Who They Benefit

School can be challenging for children with developmental delays, impairments, and disabilities. If your child faces learning difficulties, you may have come across the term IEP, which stands for Individualized Education Program. To help you understand this program in-depth, we will address common questions such as what is an IEP, who qualifies, and why it’s important. An IEP is a personalized approach specifically tailored to address your child’s challenges and

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How to Find the Top Adolescent Residential Treatment Centers

Search Tips for Parents: The Best Residential Programs for Teens If your adolescent child receives a diagnosis for a mental health, behavioral, or substance use disorder and their therapist or psychiatrist recommends residential treatment, it’s not always easy to know where to start your search for a high-quality residential facility that specializes in treating and supporting teens. The first thing we advise is to research any residential treatment center your

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Aggression in Teens

When You Feel Like Punching a Wall, Read This First

Punching things, breaking things, throwing things out of frustration—some businesses have even found a way to monetize these common venting techniques. The Break Room, with locations all over the world, offers customers the chance to grab a bat or any other heavy stick of their choice and literally smash some dishes, glasses, or appliances in a room. But why do so many people want to destroy or punch things when

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Family & Home Life

Why Do Teens Run Away?

They Feel They Have No Other Choice Every teen is different. Every family is different. Therefore, when family dynamics break down, and a teen decides to run away, each leaves for their own reasons, in response to specific circumstances unique to their personality and their family situation. However, with an understanding of the varying forces that compel teens to run away, the Missing Children’s Network identifies three primary reasons teenagers

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Is It Normal For Teens to Watch Porn
Internet & Social Media

Is It Normal For Teens to Watch Porn & What Are The Effects?

If you’re a teenager reading this article, the chances are you’ve already watched porn. It may have been on your phone, laptop, tablet, or – as the classic response goes – you happened to maybe see some pictures on your friend’s phone that one time. Whatever the case may be for you, research shows that in answer to the question, “do teens watch porn?” about 67% of 13-year-old boys and

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Common Household Products Teens Use to Get High

Teens who experiment with illegal drugs or use prescription drugs recreationally can develop a substance use disorder, or what most people call an addiction. Teens can become addicted to heroin, opioid pain relievers, benzodiazepines, marijuana, hallucinogens, and many other drugs. When addiction escalates, teens can become resourceful, creative – and irresponsible – in their quest to get high. They can empty their savings account to purchase street drugs. They may

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My Friend Told Me They Want to Die. What Should I Do?

You’re a teen, and you’re having a late-night DMC with your friend. In the midst of the conversation, he or she admits they’ve thought about dying. It may have come out as a casual confession or a tearful admission. Whatever it is and however it came out, it’s clear to you they’re thinking about suicide. When a friend admits they want to die, it may be a nerve-wracking situation for

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Getting Help

Thinking of Running Away From Home? Here’s What You Can Do Instead

You hate your life. You’re thinking of running away. Is it a Good Idea to Run Away From Home? First, we’re first going to be a little honest here. It may be really, really difficult to run away from home for good. While the idea sounds great in theory, reality may be wildly different than what you’re imagining. For one thing, living on the streets is tough. Single adolescents or

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