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Is Your Teen Developing a Gambling Problem?

Problem Gambling Among Adolescents When parents think of the behavioral, mental health, or emotional disorders their children might experience or develop during adolescence, a gambling addiction or disorder typically isn’t at the top of their what should I worry about? checklist. During this pandemic era, most parents have their attention on the mental health issues adolescent development experts warned them about back in March 2020. They look for signs of

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mom comforting teen girl
Family & Home Life

Intimate Partner Abuse and Teen Dating Violence Risk Factors and Interventions

Expanding Our Understanding of Dating Abuse and Violence In an article called “INTIMATE PARTNER SEXUAL ABUSE:  Who Are the Victims, What Are the Risks? Adults, Teens, and Children” published in the judicial periodical The Judge’s Journal last year, author Lynn Hecht Shafran addresses a serious problem in our society: sexual violence between people who are married, in a relationship, or otherwise intimate – including teenagers. This a separate issue than

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Teen Rumination: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent Depression

Teen Rumination Can Lead to and Exacerbate Depression Depression is a mental health disorder the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V (5th Edition) defines as a mood disorder, which is a class of disorder used to describe all the various subtypes of depression and bipolar disorders. Among depressive disorders, the DSM-V identifies nine subtypes of depressive disorder. DSM-V: Types of Depression Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). This is the

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teen boy stands with father
Family & Home Life

Teen Bullying and Psychosomatic Symptoms: The Impact of Parent Support

How do parents impact teen bullying? A Focus on the Father-Child Relationship Bullying is an unfortunate part of growing up. Almost all kids encounter bullying at some point during their lives. It may start as early as kindergarten, preschool, or grade school, but in most cases, bullying starts in middle school and continues through the high school years. Evidence shows kids who report being bullied – whether it’s in-person or

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teen girl rock wall climbing
Family & Home Life

A Better Resolution: How to Help Teens Sustain Their Goals Beyond January

Is There a Secret to Creating Achievable Resolutions? Every year there’s that weird week. The one between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Teenagers are out of school, savoring the last days of vacation. Some adults have to go to work – depending on what days of the week Christmas and New Year’s Day fall on – while others are in the same boat as their kids. They spend the

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mother next to sad teen
Anxiety & Mood Disorders

Risk of Suicide in BPD Teens with Prior Suicide Attempts

What Increases Risk of Subsequent Suicide Attempts in Teens with BPD? Over the past two years, we’ve published several articles on borderline personality disorder in teens. Our primary objective in all of these articles is to help parents of teens with BPD and teens with BPD learn as much as they can about the disorder. The goal of this knowledge is to support them as they navigate what we frequently

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teen girl surfing social media on phone
Family & Home Life

Social Media, Minors, and Sexual Assault

Does Social Media Use Increase Risk for Adolescent Girls? Over the past twenty years, the internet has changed life for everyone in ways that are too numerous to list. In the 21st century, we’re connected to one another digitally, through the human-centered internet. We use social media and internet-based direct messaging apps and other systems. Most of us share pictures and videos in as many ways as you can count.

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group of happy teens smiling
Anxiety & Mood Disorders

Is Your Teen Resilient? Can You Train Resilience?

Building Resilience in Adolescents During the Extended Pandemic The past two years have tested us all in ways in which we never could have predicted. We’ve all faced adversity before. Maybe not all of us, but let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that we all have. As adults, we face things like how to pay bills, how to handle workplace difficulties, how to handle challenging friends, how to navigate

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Outcomes for Adolescents in Long-Term Residential Mental Health Facilities

Does Long-Term Residential Treatment Help Teens? When your teenager has problems in school, at home, and with friends, you know it’s your job to help them work through those problems. When you do that, you know you have to get to the root of the problem. You have to find out what’s causing it. That’s how you help: you identify the source of the issue and work to resolve it.

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Anxiety & Mood Disorders

Therapy and Medication Better than Medication Alone in Treating Bipolar Disorder

Family Participation Improves Outcomes Bipolar disorder (BD) is a mental health condition characterized by alternating cycles of mania/hypomania and depression/depressive mood that have a significant impact on typical daily function and impair overall emotional and psychological wellbeing. Bipolar disorder can be debilitating. It can prevent adolescents from participating in family life, school life, social life, and the extracurricular activities popular among adolescents. The most common evidence-based treatment for bipolar disorder

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