Evolve Adolescent Behavioral Health
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transgender teen
Family & Home Life

Does Social Contagion Cause Teens to Identify as Transgender?

News stations have spent the last few years stoking debates about transgender individuals. From transgender people enlisting in the military to whether transgender people should be allowed to play sports to which restroom transgender people should use, the small but substantial portion of the population has faced intense public scrutiny from every direction. An estimated 1.6 million people in the United States ages 13 and older identify as transgender. This

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teen with parent at therapist
Anxiety & Mood Disorders

Preventative Psychiatry for Teen Mental Health

Teen mental health is a primary concern in our society right now. The pandemic significantly disrupted the end of the 2019-2020 school year and the entire 2020-2021 school year. So far, the 2021-2022 school year – fingers crossed – appears to be a return to our regularly scheduled programming. Or, at very least, most high school students across the country right now are at school, in-person. If the current combination

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father talking to teen son
Family & Home Life

Why Won’t My Teen Come to Me for Advice?

Tips on Building Trust With Your Teen A funny thing happens during pre-adolescence. This isn’t true for all kids, but for most. One day they’re all talk. Chitter-chatter about this, that, and the other thing. From the moment you pick them up from school or they get home from the bus stop to the moment they go to bed. They talk about their friends, their hobbies, the things they love,

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teen girl cooks with mom

Unique Ways to Support Your Teen’s Interests

There’s one thing we know about mental health that applies to people of any age, from children to teenagers to full-grown adults: people who are actively engaged in life report high levels of life satisfaction and overall wellbeing. That’s not only true for their mental health, but also true for their physical health. For the purposes of this article, though, we’ll focus on mental health. What do we mean by

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teen boy wearing mask in classroom
Family & Home Life

Residential Treatment for Teens: When is it the Right Choice?

If you’re the parent of a teenager in 2022, the past two years have most likely been challenging for everyone in your family. You and your teen faced new circumstances. Some were no big deal, while others may have caused significant stress. In some cases, the stress and disruption led to the development of mental health issues. As a parent you wonder if your teen needs professional support – and

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teen sports - coach and players
Family & Home Life

The Effect of Team Sports on Teen Mental Health

If you follow the news online, in print, or on television, you know that over the past two years, teen mental health has become a common topic across all these platforms. Most of us notice them more, now, because of the well-documented negative effect of the coronavirus pandemic on teen mental health in the U.S. and around the world. However, articles about the precarious state of teen mental health in

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teen girl and mother talk on couch
Family & Home Life

National Parents’ Day is July 24th: Recognizing Parents of Teens with Mental Illness

We Believe in You In August of 1994, the U.S. Congress passed a bill called “The Parents’ Day Resolution.” Within two months, President Bill Clinton signed the bill into law. Here’s the text of Public Law 103-62: “The fourth Sunday of every July shall be established as “Parents’ Day” to be recognized as a recurring, perennial day of commemoration. All private citizens, organizations, and governmental and legislative bodies at the

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depressed teen girl
Family & Home Life

Guns, Suicide, and Teens

Rate of Firearm Suicide Among Teens Highest in 20 Years Over the past five years, we’ve published more than two dozen articles on the disturbing phenomenon of suicide among teens. The articles explore a wide range of suicide-related topics, including the suicide contagion effect in teens, suicide among teens with borderline personality disorder, suicide among transgender teens, suicide among teen boys, the relationship between suicide and bullying, and the relationship

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Depressed teen visiting psychologist
Drugs & Alcohol

Teen Marijuana Use in the New Era of Legalization

Does Legalization Mean Adolescents Think Marijuana is Harmless? “Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States.” That’s the first sentence in the article “Marijuana Legalization And Historical Trends In Marijuana Use Among US Residents Aged 12–25: Results From The 1979–2016 National Survey On Drug Use And Health.” That sentence – and others that say the same thing with slightly different words – also appears on websites

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Depression in Teen Boys

New Directions: The Lived Experience of Self-Harm in Teenage Girls

Understanding the Intricacies of Self-Harm in Teen Girls For people who have never engaged in self-harm, the behavior is difficult to understand. When a parent learns their teenage child engages in self-harm, their first response is most often shock. Quickly followed by fear and worry. Anger may be part of the mix, too. A parent may be angry at their child. They may be angry at themselves. Or they may

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