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National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders impact millions of people worldwide. According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, “An estimated 9% of the U.S. population, or 28.8 million Americans, will have an eating disorder in their lifetime.” February 28th marks the beginning of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, a crucial time for spotlighting this critical […]

The Benefits of Sports for Teens

Eight million teens played sports in high school last year, based on a survey by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS). That was a record-breaking high. In fact, the number of high school athletes has been increasing for the last three decades. With so many adolescents playing sports, it’s worthwhile to talk […]

Unique Ways to Support Your Teen’s Interests

teen girl cooks with mom

There’s one thing we know about mental health that applies to people of any age, from children to teenagers to full-grown adults: people who are actively engaged in life report high levels of life satisfaction and overall wellbeing. That’s not only true for their mental health, but also true for their physical health. For the […]

The Effect of Team Sports on Teen Mental Health

teen sports - coach and players

If you follow the news online, in print, or on television, you know that over the past two years, teen mental health has become a common topic across all these platforms. Most of us notice them more, now, because of the well-documented negative effect of the coronavirus pandemic on teen mental health in the U.S. […]

Research Report: Teens, Acne, and Quality of Life

teen girl with acne looks in mirror

Acne is the Most Common Skin Condition Among Adolescents “When I was 12, I got my first pimple. It was on the right side of my face, about an inch from my nose, right in the middle of my cheek. I noticed it first thing in the morning. It looked horrible. I was mortified. So […]

How Teens Learn to Beat Stress During Treatment

teen meditating in chair

Daily Stress Management Reduces Risk of Symptom Relapse We all get stressed. Everyone. That includes adults, teenagers, and children: it’s part of being human. Most of the time, stress is a negative experience for the person experiencing it. But we should all understand that not all stress is bad. Sometimes, it helps – but not […]

Recovery Tips: Exercise, Cortisol, and Stress

teen pushup

A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside an Enigma When Winston Churchill said these famous words in a radio address over eighty years ago, he wasn’t talking about cortisol, exercise, or anything related to individual health and wellness – and he definitely wasn’t talking about recovery. He was talking about world affairs and the unpredictable […]

August is National Wellness Month

The concept of wellness is not new. Most of us have a basic idea of what it means – in its contemporary connotation – but let’s check and see if this modern vision of wellness coincides with the traditional meaning of the word. The first definition we found reads like this: The quality or state […]

National Running Day: Why Is Running Important for Teens?

The air whips past your face. The sweat trickles down your chest. Your shoes slap the ground, one after the other. Your legs ache, you’re getting cramps on your side, and you’re breathing heavily. Running, jogging, walking, swimming, and cycling are all examples of aerobic activities. Aerobic activity includes any exercise that works your cardiovascular […]

May is National Bike Month

May is a great month to ride a bike. Ask a cyclist, and they’ll tell you every month is a great month to ride a bike. They’ll also tell you every day is a great day for a bike ride. But be careful. If you ask a committed cyclist about cycling, prepare yourself for them […]