School & Friends

Is My Kid the Bully? What Should I Do?

Every parent has a list of phone calls they don’t want to get from school. It’s a basic list. If you’re a parent, here are the top three things we know you don’t want to hear when the phone rings and your caller ID tells you it’s the school: Your child is sick or has had an accident. They’re being disruptive or having discipline problems. They’re having serious academic/learning issues.

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Suicide, Addiction, and School Shootings: What Teens Can Do

Take Care of Your Friends Over the past year, there’s been a great deal of electronic ink spilled on a variety of topics relevant to teens. Suicide is in the news. Opioid addiction is in the news. School shootings are in the news. All the time. These topics – from what we can see, at least – are second only to the frenzy of political news about foreign powers working

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Find the Right High School for You

There’s a simple lesson most of us learn by the time we hit adolescence: we either like school or we don’t. Sure, some of us are on the fence about school. We can take it or leave it. But most fall into one camp or the other, and it’s not always about the academics. Some of us excel academically and still can’t stand sitting in class, while others don’t get

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Teens: Five Good Reasons to Volunteer (That Have Nothing to do With Your College Application)

Question: If you help someone just because you get something out of it, does it still count as helping? One way to answer that question is this: of course it does. If you do something and someone else benefits from it, then it doesn’t matter why you did it. The person still gets the benefit. Right? Let’s back up and clarify why we’re asking. We’re talking about volunteering, here. Community

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Teens: Cool to be Smart, or Smart to be Cool?

This article is about peer pressure. Not your typical peer pressure, though. We know there are kids in your school who urge you to break rules large and small: skip class, get high, and game the system by sharing test answers ahead of time or crowd-sourcing homework assignments, projects, and papers. They get in your ear and offer an attractive sounding alternative to going to class, working hard, and conforming

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