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Jobs & Careers

Teenage Jobs: The Pros and Cons

Preparing to Launch Most parents agree that one of the primary objectives of raising a child is preparing them for life in the real world. After teaching basic moral ethical behavior – be kind, be honest, always say please and thank you – the next thing parents do is strive to instill some sort of work ethic into their children. When they’re ready to leave home, parents want their kids

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Summer Jobs for Teens: All the Legal Details You Need to Know

You’ve read our article about the pros and cons of teenage jobs and made your decision: you’re getting a job this summer. You cleared it with your parents and you’re good to go. You’re stepping up your game, getting out into the world, and learning what it’s like to work to make money. Or at least that’s the plan. Now you just need to figure out what kind of job

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Los Angeles Area Teens: Plan Your Summer Before Your Parents Do

The official calendar for the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) says the last day of the 2018-19 public school year is June 7th. That’s less than a month away. The official LAUSD calendar says the first day of the 2019-20 school year is August 20th. That means you have 74 days to fill between the end of this school year and the beginning of school next year. If you’re

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Summer Jobs: Legal Details Teens Need to Know

You’ve read our article The Pros and Cons of Teenage Jobs and made your decision: you’re getting a job this summer. You cleared it with your parents and you’re good to go. That’s great: you’re stepping up your game, getting out into the world, and learning what it’s like to work to make money. Or at least that’s what you’re planning to do. Step one, complete. Decision made. Now you

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