
What is Indirect/Vicarious Trauma and How Does It Develop in Teens?

Hearing about a horrific tragedy that has occurred or is occurring can sometimes result in symptoms of trauma – even for people who weren’t directly involved in the event. This concept is known as indirect trauma. If this has happened to you, you know that traumatic symptoms can develop immediately after you hear the news, or, they can develop weeks and months later. Trauma and PTSD Examples of traumatic incidents

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Anxiety & Mood Disorders

The Best Options for Mental Health Treatment in Los Angeles

Mental Health Treatment Helps Teens Become The Best Version of Themselves The past year has been eventful, to say the least. The events started early. The early spring brought the pandemic. The summer brought months of protests around racial and social justice. The fall brought the national elections, followed by upheaval around various election-related events – too numerous, divisive, and contentious to name here. We mention all this to validate

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My Teen has Depression, Anxiety, Psychosis and is Cutting: What Behavioral Health Inpatient Facility Would Be the Best Choice?

Treatment for Depression, Anxiety, Psychosis, and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Teens There are some mental health disorders in teenagers that are straightforward. As are their diagnoses. That’s not to say that any mental health disorder is simple or easy for the teen who has it. Each teen with a disorder such as depression or anxiety has a unique history and a set of factors specific to their lives that led to

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Does My Teen Have Paranoia?

What Clinical Paranoia Looks Like in Teens Your teenage son mutters about people following him. He says everyone is against him. Your teenage daughter is suspicious about friends and family. She insists people spy on her. Are they clinically paranoid? Do they have schizophrenia? Is it severe anxiety? Or is it nothing to worry about? To answer these questions, let’s talk about what these terms actually mean. Paranoia The American

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What Is Emotional Dysregulation in Teens?

Emotional Dysregulation, Mental Health Disorders, and the Role of Treatment If you’re the parent of a teenager, you probably have direct, experiential knowledge of the ups and downs of their emotional life. And since you were once a teenager and lived through adolescence yourself, you can think back to what your emotional life was like when you were a teen. Was it smooth? Was it rocky? Did you understand all

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Intergenerational Trauma: How Parents’ Childhoods Can Impact Their Kids

Parents pass down all kinds of traits to their children, from hair and eye color to freckles. Research shows they might also pass down the trauma of their own childhood. Early life experiences, such as neglect and abuse, can impact the structure and function of the brain. The effects of these experiences can appear in the trauma survivor’s offspring. A 2021 study found that moms who experienced emotional neglect as

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Behavioral Health Treatment Centers Help Teens Overcome Trauma

The word trauma gets tossed around a lot in contemporary informal speech. When something bad happens to us, we say things like: “That was traumatic.” or “I was totally traumatized.” And quite often, we mean it. We have a bad experience and it has a negative emotional impact on us. Maybe we had a near-miss driving a car, as in we came close to having an accident, felt a rush

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What Is Medical Trauma in Teens? 

You’ve heard of trauma. And you know all about medical illness. But have you heard of medical trauma? Medical trauma occurs after someone undergoes a serious medical procedure or illness. Teens diagnosed with chronic or terminal illnesses may struggle with medical trauma, as can those with life-threatening injuries or surgeries. Research shows, for example, that many people who receive treatment for cancer and cardiac issues experience medical trauma. For others,

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April is Stress Awareness Month: What are Adverse Childhood Experiences?

Each year during Stress Awareness Month, we publish a series of articles about stress: what it is, why we experience it, and what we can do about it. We also offer statistics on the prevalence of stress in our communities and advice on how to handle stress that becomes chronic, toxic, or dangerous to our health and wellbeing. Our first article defined and discussed chronic stress. In that article, we

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April is Stress Awareness Month: What is Toxic Stress?

Each year during Stress Awareness Month, we publish a series of articles about stress. We talk about what it is, why we experience it, and what we can do about it. We also offer statistics on the prevalence of stress in our communities and advice on how to handle stress that becomes chronic, toxic, or dangerous to our health and wellbeing. We’ll publish several articles on stress over the next

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If your teen is struggling, we are here to help.

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