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teen boy wearing mask in classroom
Family & Home Life

Residential Treatment for Teens: When is it the Right Choice?

If you’re the parent of a teenager in 2022, the past two years have most likely been challenging for everyone in your family. You and your teen faced new circumstances. Some were no big deal, while others may have caused significant stress. In some cases, the stress and disruption led to the development of mental health issues. As a parent you wonder if your teen needs professional support – and

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depressed teen girl in bed
Anxiety & Mood Disorders

Hope In Recovery: Good News for Teens in Depression Treatment

We have some good news for teens in depression treatment. It works. Three New Studies Show Treatment is Headed in the Right Direction When we read about mental health issues in the news these days, almost everything we encounter is negative. Headline and stories are filled with dire warnings about the precarious state of teen mental health in 2022. Troubling trends in the prevalence of depression and anxiety combined with

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young teen male smiling
Anxiety & Mood Disorders

Treatment of Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders Improves Social Outcomes During Early Adulthood

Early Treatment Helps Later Employment and Social Engagement When a teenager receives a diagnosis for a mental health, behavioral, or addiction disorder, there are several compelling reasons for their parents to seek professional treatment and support to help them address the disorder. First, our 21st century understanding of mental health disorders teaches us that they’re more like physical disorders than we thought during the latter half of the 20th century.

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san diego beach
Anxiety & Mood Disorders

San Diego Teens and Mental Health

Does the San Diego Area Have Enough Mental Health Programs for Teens? Last summer, Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego shared a startling statistic with reporters from local radio station kpbs. At the midpoint of 2021, they’d seen a 25 percent increase in emergency room visits for acute mental health emergencies. As mental health professionals, this caught our attention: we’re both alarmed and concerned. However, if we’re being completely honest,

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teen in therapy
Anxiety & Mood Disorders

When Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Requires Residential Treatment

Severe OCD: Obsessions and Compulsions Take Up Significant Time Every Day Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Volume Five (DSM-V) as a neurological disorder that’s part of a larger group of mental health disorders known as anxiety disorders. Common anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), separation anxiety, social anxiety disorder (SAD), panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder, among others. Anxiety disorders

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Anxiety & Mood Disorders

When Is It Time for Parents to Consider Inpatient Teen Depression Treatment?

Professional Help for Teenage Depression: A Life-Changing Choice We’ll open this article by answering the question posed in the title right away. Then we’ll explain the steps you need to take – or may have taken already – before considering or committing to inpatient teen depression treatment. We won’t make you read through the supporting details first. But in order to understand the answer, we think you should read the

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Anxiety & Mood Disorders

Parents – How to Handle Anxiety About Sending Your Teen Out-of-State for Treatment

When you learn your teen has a mental health or alcohol/substance use disorder, it can come as a shock. You feel all kinds of emotions. Sadness, worry, fear, and pain are not unusual things to feel in your situation. It’s not unusual to be all over the place, to be honest. You name it, and you’ll probably feel it. It can be a confusing time. You may even be angry

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Anxiety & Mood Disorders

California Offers the Best Residential Treatment Centers for Teens

Teen Treatment Centers in The Golden State If your teen has a serious mental health condition, they may need residential treatment. Teens with emotional, behavioral, or alcohol/substance use disorders (AUD/SUD) typically begin treatment with less immersive levels of care, such as outpatient treatment, intensive outpatient programs (IOP), or partial hospitalization programs (PHP). However, if your teen participated in a program at one of these levels of care but didn’t make

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Anxiety & Mood Disorders

The Tipping Point: When Stress Pushes a Teen Toward an Anxiety Disorder

How to Recognize Anxiety and Reduce Stress in Anxious Teens Everyone knows about stress. Adults, teenagers, and children experience stress. Most of us understand that stress is an unavoidable part of life. Most of us also understand stress is not always negative. Stress can play a positive role in our lives. Stress leads to adaptation, which, in turn, can lead to growth and change. That’s true on a physical, psychological,

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Anxiety & Mood Disorders

The Best Options for Mental Health Treatment in Los Angeles

Mental Health Treatment Helps Teens Become The Best Version of Themselves The past year has been eventful, to say the least. The events started early. The early spring brought the pandemic. The summer brought months of protests around racial and social justice. The fall brought the national elections, followed by upheaval around various election-related events – too numerous, divisive, and contentious to name here. We mention all this to validate

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