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Technology Addiction in Teens: Online and Social Media Reliance

What is Technology Addiction? Technology addiction is extremely prevalent among teenagers. The technology addiction teens deal with today has only increased in prevalence in the last several years. Around half of teens self-report being addicted to their smartphones, and some studies even show that teens spend around nine hours online per day. With stats like […]

Gaming Addiction in Teens

What is Gaming Addiction? Are teens too reliant on technology? When looking at the tech habits of your teen, do they seem compulsive and dependent?  Video game addiction is a common problem for people of all ages. However, young people are profoundly affected by tech addiction and its symptoms.  If you’re wondering about the causes, […]

Screen Addiction Disorder: How is it Affecting Teens

What is an Addiction to Screens? Screen addiction is a prominent issue among all age groups, but it’s particularly concerning in teens. So, what is an addiction to screens? Screen addiction disorder is characterized by excessive and compulsive use of digital devices, such as a phone, tablet, or laptop. Screen addiction can affect a teen’s […]

Addressing Impulsivity in Teens May Reduce Chances of Behavioral Disorders Later

teen girl facing two arrows

Impulsivity is characteristic common to teenage experiences. As adolescents develop independence, they act out in many different ways. Their unpredictable behavior is overwhelming for most parents who often chalk it up to just being a teen. Most of the time this actually is the case. Early teenage years are when kids learn who they are, […]

Can an App Create the Perfect Daily Schedule for Your Teen?

teen girl writing in calendar

Life is all about balance. Finding happiness – or at least a daily schedule you can live with – takes trial and error. As adults, we know what’s best for us. Over the years, we learn how much sleep we need, how much exercise we need, how much downtime we need, and how much work […]

Talking to Teens: What is Your Teen Ready to Hear (And How Do You Know)?

mom talking to teen daughter

While researching topics and articles for our blog, we found an article in the online pop culture/positive storytelling website Upworthy called “Adults Share Things Teens ‘Aren’t Ready To Hear,’ And It’s Some Solid Advice For All Ages.” Funny, we thought. What kind of things are they talking about? What are teens not ready to hear […]

Is Your Teen at Risk of Human Trafficking?

Side Effects of Opioid Drugs in Teens

Child trafficking is a serious problem in the U.S. and worldwide. This abhorrent practice almost disappeared in the U.S. in the 1990s, but is back, and increasing every year. The return of child trafficking is directly related to the prevalence of the internet, smartphones, and social media/messaging technology. Texting and messaging technology appeared in the […]

Dance, Drama, and Drawing: How to Support a Teen’s Interests in the Arts

teen boy artist painting

In the year 2021, teens looking for ways to spend their spare time have virtually unlimited options. Instant connectivity – a result of the computer revolution – allows them to go online and connect with peers who share their same interests at any time they choose. Teens can connect with teens halfway around the world, […]

Parents of Teens: Encourage Exploration, But Set Limits

teen walking along road

If you’re the parent of a teen interested in improving your teen’s social skills, you probably spend time reading up on teen psychology. Here’s a theme, or trope, you likely see all the time: Life is about experiences. The more new, diverse experiences you have, the more you learn and grow. The more you learn […]