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Blended Learning and the 21st Century Classroom

Education in the 21st Century Education in the 21st century is changing rapidly. From preschool to graduate school, teaching methods, curricula and modes of delivering subject content have undergone a radical transformation. At the preschool and kindergarten levels, alternative approaches such as Waldorf, Montessori,  and others have altered the landscape of early education. In the elementary, middle, and high school phase, the emergence of the charter school movement has opened

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The Missing Piece: Emotional Literacy in Education

The Foundation of Performance: Emotional Literacy & Intelligence Education in the United States and around the world focuses primarily on results. There may be radically different approaches to the brass tacks of teaching children how to read, write, and do arithmetic. But the goal of education for almost every culture in every country is to lay the groundwork for success in life. While success might not look the same in

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The Myth of Multitasking: Media, Teens, and Homework

Our society values productivity above almost everything else. We place such a high priority on our ability to work toward multiple deadlines and simultaneously juggle a variety of projects we’ve reached the point where it’s virtually a cultural fetish. A fetish we call multitasking. There’s a popular belief that multitasking is a good thing. Which makes sense: if you can do two or more things at once, then you’re twice

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Positive Effects of Drama Programs in Education

Arts in Education “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” -Albert Einstein           Over the past decade or so, an increasing emphasis has been placed on the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) related classes in primary, middle and high-school education in the U.S. The reason for this direction is well-founded: research and test

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Help! My Teenager is on the Verge of Getting Expelled from School! What Can I Do?

If you’re the parent of an unruly adolescent who’s actively pushing boundaries, this is the moment you’ve feared. This is when the novelty seeking, the authority challenging, the limit testing, and the roller-coaster ride of teen identity formation comes up against a hard boundary: expulsion from school. The fun and games are over. There’s no longer anything cute about your teen breaking minor rules and gaming the school system. The

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The Recovery High School Movement

Teenagers who enter residential, partial hospitalization, or residential treatment for alcohol or substance abuse disorders face a big challenge when they finish their time in rehab: returning to high school. Life after rehab challenges anyone, young or old, but teenagers who go back to their old school fight an uphill battle. Many teenagers in treatment tell counselors and therapists that high school is the place they first encountered alcohol and

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Expeditionary Learning: A Journey to Knowledge

“To start a school is to proclaim what it means to be human.” This phrase, written in 1996 by Harvard University professor Meg Campbell in collaboration with a group of educators from the well-known organization Outward Bound in an article entitled “The Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound Design,” has inspired a generation of school administrators, teachers and learning specialists to rethink the way we educate our children in the United States.

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