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Understanding Trauma in Teens

“Trauma is not what happens to us, but it is what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness” – Peter Levine In this presentation, learn about what trauma is and how trauma impacts a sense of safety and the ability to cope with everyday life stressors. We will explore the impacts trauma […]

How to Get Your Teen to Talk to You

As a parent, all you want is to have a close relationship with your child: to love them, guide them and help support them. Through the teen years, however, your relationship often can feel strained or distant, and you are left feeling like an outsider in your child’s life. This webinar will review how to […]

Managing High-Risk Behaviors in Teens

Managing teens who engage in dangerous, harmful, costly or otherwise high-risk behaviors can be extremely challenging and stressful for a parent. It’s normal for parents to feel scared and panicked about high-risk teen behaviors such as sneaking out, risky uses of social media, unsafe sexual behaviors, dangerous driving, shoplifting, and other illegal activity. This webinar […]

DBT Skills Training for Adolescents

This course will provide an overview of DBT as it relates to the treatment of adolescents who struggle with emotion dysregulation, self-injurious behaviors, suicidal ideation, and other emotional, mood, and behavioral issues. The course addresses the structure of the DBT treatment model and the biosocial theory and dialectical philosophy upon which it is based. The […]

How to Cope with an Emotionally Dysregulated Teen

Living with a teen who experiences frequent emotion dysregulation can be challenging for parents and the entire family. Teens with high emotional dysregulation may react more strongly to triggers in their environment and have difficulty coming back to baseline, often leading to problematic behaviors and strained relationships. Thankfully, there are ways parents can cope and […]