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The Importance of Keeping Up Holiday Traditions During COVID-19

It’s tempting to look at the upcoming holiday season, throw up your hands, and say, “COVID has changed everything, so why bother?” We get it. We’re tired and frustrated, too. But there’s no way we’re giving up on the holidays – and we don’t think you should, either. We’re not giving up on the holidays […]

Why Starting Treatment at Evolve Over Thanksgiving is a Good Idea

If your teenager has a mental health or substance use disorder, you may have considered residential treatment for them at some point in the past. If they have a mental health disorder such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder, you understand that if they spend a period of time focusing solely on healing and recovery, […]

Learning Difficulties Linked to Poor Connections in the Brain

What causes learning difficulties? Researchers have long believed that learning difficulties stem from specific regions of the brain. For example, studies link ADHD to the cerebellum, prefrontal cortex, striatum, and other areas. However, a recent study from the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at the University of Cambridge found that the connectivity between different […]