Treatment Trends & News

teen girl talks with therapist

The Role of Outpatient Treatment for Teens with Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues

How Outpatient Treatment Helps Teens If you’re the parent of a teen who receives a diagnosis for a behavioral, mental health, or alcohol/substance use disorder, it’s important to know you’re right at the beginning of a process that’s different for everyone. While there are effective, evidence-based treatments for almost every mental health disorder we know about, and the course of treatment for each is similar, what happens next depends on

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DBT More Effective in Preventing Suicide and Self-Harm

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): Lasting Effect, Less Time to Symptom Reduction A random controlled trial (RCT) called “Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Adolescents With Repeated Suicidal and Self-harming Behavior: A Randomized Trial” examined the effect of a short-term DBT treatment program designed for adolescents (DBT-A) on self-harming behavior, suicidal ideation, and depressive symptoms. Researchers compared the effect of DBT-A with the effect of an enhanced usual care protocol based on cognitive

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teen girl talks with therapist

Effectiveness of Outpatient Treatment for Teens with Substance Abuse Issues

How Effective is Outpatient Treatment in The Case Of Substance Abuse in Teens? Drug use among adolescent is a serious issue in the U.S., made more serious by the emotional, psychological, and behavioral stressors teens faced over the past two years, during the upheaval caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The latest data on drug use among adolescents, published in the 2020 Monitoring the Future Survey (2020 MTF) shows the following:

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teen LGBTQ girl

The Myth of Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria Label and How It Hurts Teens

Medical-Sounding Phrase Used to Invalidate Teen Trans Experience If you’re the parent of a middle-school or high school student, you’ve probably noticed there are more kids who identify as LGBTQI+ than when you were in middle school or high school. Among these teens exploring their identity on their journey through puberty to adulthood, you may notice a distinct increase in the number of pre-teens and teens who identify as transgender,

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young teen male smiling

Research Report: Treatment for Teen Addiction Has Surprising Result

Does treatment for teen addiction work? Substance Use Disorder Treatment Can Reduce Symptoms of Another Common Disorder When parents seek treatment for a teen with an alcohol use disorder or a substance use disorder (AUD/SUD), their primary goal is to help their teen stop using alcohol or drugs. They understand that substance use and addiction can lead to a wide range of significant negative physical, emotional, behavioral, and social consequences.

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back of teen girl sitting on beach at ocean

Complex PTSD (CPTSD) in Teen Girls after Sexual Assault: Diagnosis and Treatment

Sexual Assault Can Affect Victims for Decades: What Type of Treatment Can Help? Sexual assault is a crime that affects millions of people in the U.S. The emotional and psychological consequences of sexual assault can cause severe, lifelong impairment. We’ll discuss these consequences and the details of the impairments below, but it’s important, first, for all members of the general public to understand that sexual assault can affect typical physical,

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Twenty-Year Study Links Childhood Depression to Disrupted Adult Health and Functioning

Early Treatment for Childhood and Teen Depression Can Improve Outcomes A Quick History Lesson Before the 20th century, most adults believed that children didn’t have mental health disorders. Or if they did, they were impossible to diagnose or various reasons, mainly because of the nature of child development. A child’s behavior can change from day to day and month to month. Behaviors common to one phase of development can completely

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happy teen girl waving
Anxiety & Mood Disorders

Our Changing Understanding of the Course and Outcomes for Adolescent Borderline Personality Disorder

What are the latests findings related to adolescent borderline personality and what can a parent do to help their teen? New Insight on Trajectories for Adolescent Borderline Personality Disorder Adolescent borderline personality disorder (BPD) is one of the most challenging mental health disorders we know about. For decades, clinicians avoided diagnosing teens with BPD for fear of misinterpreting typical adolescent turmoil as atypical behavior. They feared pathologizing typical behavior, which

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teen lying on couch covering eyes
Anxiety & Mood Disorders

Teen Panic Disorder: How Adolescents Experience Panic Attacks

Teens With Panic Disorder Describe What They Feel Like We’ve all heard of panic attacks. Many of us have had them. But for those of us who haven’t, it’s not obvious how intense and overwhelming they feel. The phrase itself should tell us how serious they are, but it’s been used so much it’s lost real meaning for most people. Think about it. Panic means uncontrollable fear and anxiety. Attack

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young teen male smiling
Anxiety & Mood Disorders

Treatment of Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders Improves Social Outcomes During Early Adulthood

Early Treatment Helps Later Employment and Social Engagement When a teenager receives a diagnosis for a mental health, behavioral, or addiction disorder, there are several compelling reasons for their parents to seek professional treatment and support to help them address the disorder. First, our 21st century understanding of mental health disorders teaches us that they’re more like physical disorders than we thought during the latter half of the 20th century.

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