Suicidal Ideation & Self-Harm


Screening for Suicide Risk in Adolescents

What to Look for in Teens to Assess Suicide Risk Disclaimer: If you think your teen is at imminent risk of harming themselves, call 911 or take them to the emergency room at a regular hospital or a psychiatric hospital. Do not wait. If you think your teen is not at imminent risk, we strongly encourage you to arrange a full psychiatric evaluation with a mental health professional as soon

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DBT the Gold Standard for Treating Adolescent Self-Harm and Suicidal Ideation

How to Help Teens Who Self-Harm and Think About Suicide If you read the news at all these days, there’s a good chance you know about the troubling increase in suicide among teens in the U.S. Once you get past the stories about the pandemic, politics, and entertainment, you find stories about mental health. Most focus on the negative effect of the pandemic on mental health disorders such as depression

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Anxiety & Mood Disorders

I Wish I Were Dead: Why Transgender Teens Present as Suicide Risks and What Parents Can Do

[seriesbox]Parents of LGBTQ + Teens: A Guide to Terminology and Basic Concepts You Should Know LGBTQ+ and Transgender Teens: Using a Teen’s Chosen Name Reduces Depression and Suicide Risk Is Gender-Specific Treatment for Teens Necessary or Does It Exclude LBGTQI+ Teens?[/seriesbox]Transgender Teens at Increased Risk of Suicide Compared to Non-Trans Teens When we write about suicide risk in teens, we include the following warning in every article. Sometimes it appears

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Helping Teens Through Night Terrors

Bullying and Cyberbullying Associated with Higher Risk of Suicide in Teens

What Puts Teens at Higher Risk of Suicide? [seriesbox]A Parent’s Guide to Self-Harm and Suicide Risk in Teens The Association Between Teen Suicidal Ideation and Childhood Depression and Irritability Insomnia and Sleep Disturbances in Teens Linked to Higher Risk of Suicide Are Brooding, Impulsive Teens at Higher Risk for Suicidality? Risk of Escalation from Self-Harm to Suicide Attempts in Adolescents Teen Suicide Contagion: Is Suicide Contagious?[/seriesbox]The suicide rate among teens

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Family & Home Life

Insomnia and Sleep Disturbances in Teens Linked to Higher Risk of Suicide

Is Excess Internet Use Late at Night Related to Suicide Risk in Teens? [seriesbox]A Parent’s Guide to Self-Harm and Suicide Risk in Teens The Association Between Teen Suicidal Ideation and Childhood Depression and Irritability Bullying and Cyberbullying Associated with Higher Risk of Suicide in Teens Are Brooding, Impulsive Teens at Higher Risk for Suicidality? Risk of Escalation from Self-Harm to Suicide Attempts in Adolescents Teen Suicide Contagion: Is Suicide Contagious?[/seriesbox]Everyone

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The Association Between Teen Suicidal Ideation and Childhood Depression and Irritability

If My Child Is Depressed and Irritable, Does That Increase Their Risk of Suicide as a Teen? [seriesbox]A Parent’s Guide to Self-Harm and Suicide Risk in Teens Insomnia and Sleep Disturbances in Teens Linked to Higher Risk of Suicide Bullying and Cyberbullying Associated with Higher Risk of Suicide in Teens Are Brooding, Impulsive Teens at Higher Risk for Suicidality? Risk of Escalation from Self-Harm to Suicide Attempts in Adolescents Teen

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Why is My Teen Cutting?

Does Cutting Mean My Teen Wants to Commit Suicide? If you recently discovered your teen engages in self-harming behavior, we’re sure your first question is a short version of the title of this article: “Why?” We understand. Most people who learn about cutting – especially when one of their children cuts – are confused and at a loss about the reasons and motivation behind the behavior. It’s not easy to

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Don’t Ignore the Subtle Signs of Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior

Take Passive and Active Suicidal Ideation Seriously When you have a teenager, one thing you have to learn to handle is the drama. If you can remember back to your teen years, you may remember that everything in your life seemed like a big deal. The new romantic interest. The breakup in your friend group. The classmate who got busted drinking and driving. The big test coming up on Friday.

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September is National Suicide Prevention Month

Each year during the month of September, mental health professionals, community advocates, and organizations like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) work to raise awareness about the growing prevalence of suicide in the U.S. and around the world. Their collective efforts are known as National Suicide Prevention Month. There are two primary goals of National Suicide Prevention Month: Awareness Organizers use messaging across

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Anxiety & Mood Disorders

Suicide Risk In Teens – Body Image, Concussion, Mental Health Issues

Increased Risk for Teen Athletes, Boys and Girls with Body Dysmorphic Disorder Over the past several years, national news media published countless reports on increases in mental health disorders among adolescents (age 12-17) and young adults (age 15-29). Before the coronavirus pandemic began, mental health professionals called it a mental health crisis in our teens and young adults. One major factor leading this wave of reporting was the fact that

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